Dewie's Expedition
Edutainment App and Product

Dewie's Expedition is an edutainment app designed to help kids learn about the water cycle in a fun way. After conducting some research on existing water cycle games, I found that there weren't many. The apps and computer games that did exist are not clear in their instructions, or are focused more on all life cycles. 

The app is geared towards kids that are 10 years old and are very active. The app is vector oriented and utilizes bright colors to appeal to younger kids. 

Below is a scenario of a student using the app:

Jack needs to learn about the water cycle for his science class. His teacher tells him to download an app and to create an account. After entering a username and password, Jack selects story mode. He notices that there are 4 locations, but only one is unlocked. After selecting the location, a screen appears with 4 missions. Jack picks the first mission and a screen appears with a brief statement about evaporation and transpiration, along with the instructions for that mission. After Jack completes the mission by reaching the certain amount of points, he moves on to the next 3 missions. Jack has now completed all missions and wants to unlock the next location. He answers a series of questions about the water cycle and unlocks the next location. He notices that missions are a little harder in the second location. Science class is over and the teacher asks the students to put away their iPads. Jack now understands the 4 stages in the water cycle and has the highest score in his class.
Interactive Product

Teachers or parents would be provided with the outdoor game that accompanies the Dewie's Expedition app. The game includes 4 boards for each team, 4 posts to hold up the boards in a field, water balloons, cards, team tags and a bag. 

The game resembles the concept of baseball with a water cycle twist. Four bases would be placed in the shape of a diamond. With one person as the pitcher, each team would come up to first base and toss a water balloon to the pitcher. Once the pitcher catches the balloon he has to try and hit the player back to get him out. When a player reaches base 4, he may pick up a card and place it on the board with the card it matches with. The cards consist of key words and definitions. The team that matches all cards first, wins. 

The goal of the game is to provide a fun and active environment for learning the water cycle.
Dewie's Expedition

Dewie's Expedition
