With a new office renovation that aims to reflect the creative nature of the agency, I was tasked by Superunion Singapore to craft two murals to reflect Singapore. Done in a uniformed black and white illustration style, the office murals questions- what makes Singapore unique? Beyond the typical touristy attractions, the soul of the city lies in the experience of those who grew up in culture-packed island.

Meeting Office Room

The mural for the meeting room is doing in a perspective to emulate walking down a HDB corridor. With the curved structure of the wall and the supply closet-cum-lift, it makes for an immersive experience. The addition of plants and clothing poles is a reflection of how Singaporeans add character and kampong spirit into an otherwise generic concrete structure.
Board Room Collage Mural

We are constantly bombarded with so much information and clutter daily it can be hard to think for yourself.  In this board room where minds come together and ideas are birthed, we push to see beyond the chaos, to think for ourselves and curate the information we consume. The illustrations are inspired by propaganda of the past and retro advertisements. 

The illustrations are printed, hand cut and then collaged onto the wall. The hand with the phone represents our view and what we choose to show and see. It is painted onto the wall and incorporates the white board as the screen. When viewed from the door, it looks as though the viewer is holding the phone.

Superunion Mural

Superunion Mural

A Singapore inspired mural done for the Superunion Singapore office renovation.
