The DECA Collective is a group of artists and designers who create work each work based around a word that changes every week. I love doing this work as it really helps me stretch my creative muscles and think of new ways to think about the words I see.

I have done all the images in the same rectangular shape, to really try and challenge myself during the design process. I'd say it's helping.

I might make these into a book one day, that'd be nice wouldn't it.

'Remote' A remote button on a remote controller.
'Array' An array of very minimal cheeses
'Colour' The colour of the seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn
'Accuracy' As you can see, I'm not that accurate.
'Data' Data seems to always be increasing these days.
'Pool' No not that pool, pool the game.
'Monochrome' The night has often seemed monochrome to me.
DECA Collective

DECA Collective

The DECA Collective is a group of artists and designers who create work each work based around a word that changes every week. I love doing this Read More
