For many centuries artists have tried to express their admiration for the impossibility of cognition of the world. Regardless of what the artist depicted, be it a portrait or a landscape or a still life, he was always motivated by the inner impulse, which is the perpetuum mobile of most creative processes.

Building a temple or carving a stone sculpture, a man plunged into a state not only creative, but also contemplative. And here I am talking not only about some external study of phenomena (for instance proportions of the horse). It can be said that in many cases a creative act is a way of exploring, understanding the world, immersing into its absolute truth.

The state of contemplation does not imply an intention to find the final answers, conclusions or shapes. In any case, the only thing artists can do is just observe the world and its phenomena in a state of constant metamorphosis.

Some photos of "The sacred duck" in the studio:
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The series of bird sculptures in which i was analyzing the relationship between modern human being and nature. Bronze, granite 19 x 16 x 7 cm
