Promote and disseminate advanced research on tactile technology.


It is said that vision is responsible for about 90% of our perception of the outside world in daily human life. Of course, all five senses are just as essential, indispensable for human life. However, the application of the sense of touch has many scientifically unexplained elements, and its application to industry and the field of expression has been delayed compared to other sensations. Under such circumstances, we questioned what kind of science communication was needed in Japan's tactile field, to create a community promoting such researches and advanced technologies.


An exhibition reproducing "ice" texture and stimulate tactile experience.


We were a part of launching "TECHTILE," a community working on new tactTILE designs utilizing TECHnology. "TECHTILE" was in collaboration with researchers, designers, and artists who continue cutting-edge research in the tactile field. We were in charge of the venue structure. As a starting point for this activity, an exhibition was held to consider new values and design of tactile sensations, based on advanced technology.

Inspired by tactile sensations of being sensitive to coldness with the tactile pleasure of stepping on top of frost columns, we considered the ice as a symbol of a fundamental tactile sensory experience. We decided to design a space that unconsciously reminds us of this kind of experience. By overlapping cling film, we reproduced the texture of ice. By covering the whole space with this, we created an experience stimulating the visitors of their sense of touch.

触覚分野で最先端の研究を続ける研究者と、デザイナー、アーティストらのコラボレーションによって、技術 (TECHnology) を活かした新たな触体験デザイン (tacTILE design) に取り組むコミュニティ「テクタイル」の立ち上げに参画しました。その活動の鼻緒として、先端技術を基盤とした触覚の新しい価値とデザインを考える展覧会を行うこととなり、私たちが会場構成を担当することになりました。冷たさによって鋭敏になる触覚、霜柱を踏んだ時の触覚的な快感などに着想を得て、「氷」を根源的な触覚を象徴する存在と見立てた私たちは、氷と関わる多くの触体験を無意識に思い起こさせるような空間をデザインすることにしました。そして、食品用ラップフィルムを数十枚重ねることで氷のようなテクスチャを再現し、これらで空間を覆い尽くすことによって、来場者の触覚を刺激する体験を演出しました。

Highly appreciated, contributing to tactile technology research development.


The exhibition was designed using everyday materials effectively, to create an experience that stimulates the sense of touch for visitors. It has been highly evaluated, bestowed with various awards in both Japan and overseas. We were able to prove that a high-quality experience can be created with little funds. Since this exhibition, "TECHTILE" exhibitions continued, and with the evolution of VR technology, the degree of attention to tactile technology gradually increased. Furthermore, the founding members seem to be distinguished as representative researchers in Japan. Various efforts through "TECHTILE" have greatly contributed to the development of tactile technology research in its early days. It continues to attract attention as an activity leading this area.


SDA Awards shortlisted (2009)
DFA Awards Silver (2008)
DDA Awards shortlisted (2008)
JCD Design Award Bronze (2008)


Exhibition Design: NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Collaboration: Techtile Executive Committee​​​​​​​

social design by evolution thinking

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It is said that vision is responsible for about 90% of our perception of the outside world in daily human life. Of course, all five senses are ju Další informace
