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PersonaType: Living Type Specimens

PersonaType: Living Type Specimens
[project descrip­tion:]
For my Summer Under­grad­uate Research Expe­ri­ence, my mentor, Amy Papaelias and I under­took the cre­ation of a web app. Per­son­aType was born with the idea in mind to show how a per­son­ality of a type­face can be uti­lized to rep­re­sent voice and how the con­text can shift type­face per­son­ality at the sametime.
By using Web­type (through TypeKit), CSS3 ani­ma­tion and a respon­sive design I con­structed the web design and ani­ma­tions to com­plete the project.
UPDATE (8.6.2012): A heavily revised ver­sion of Per­son­aType was pre­sented at Typecon2012 by Amy Papaelias. Check it out!
Student Undergraduate Research
PersonaType: Living Type Specimens

PersonaType: Living Type Specimens

Presented at TypeCon2012, Per­son­aType was born with the idea in mind to show how a per­son­ality of a type­face can be uti­lized to rep­re­sent 阅读更多内容
