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If you notice any other unusual change in how your body works, talk to your doctor. The chances are it will not be cancer. But getting it checked is not wasting anyone’s time. It could save your life.

An oncologist, said, "Around 7 lakh cases of cancer surface in the country every year. About 70 to 80 per cent of patients die in comparison to developed countries like US where 80 per cent patients get cured. The reason is the timely detection of cancer." If cancer is detected in early stage, which is very easy, 80 per cent patients can be cured.

In the early stages, not only result is better, but the treatment is also very affordable. Find out A to Z list of Anti-cancer drugs including combination treatments.



Spotting cancer at an early stage saves lives. Take time today to check your body for changes that could be cancer (Lung, Stomach, Breast, Pancre 阅读更多内容
