Cliente: Alka Seltzer. Título: Rezo, Copy: Dios absuelve, no disuelve.
Client: Alka Seltzer. Title: pray, Copy: God absolves, doesn`t disolves.
Cliente: Actron. Título: Ring. 
Client: Actron. Tile: Ring.   Copy: When cicling 5 miles feels like fighting 15 rounds .  Actron, fast relieve  against pain.
Cliente: Cardio aspirina. Título: Deportes de alto riesgo 
Client: Cardio Aspirin. Title: High Risk Sports.  
Copy: A especial sport for Sofa Lover´s.
- Tv remote and pillows are the essential props.
- Don´t forget your beer.
- if you practice this sport, dont forget to take one cardioaspirin daily.
- it prevents the heart and brain colapses.


Alka seltzer , Actron Print Ads


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