Sonja Trajkovics profil

Architecture of Peace / Refugee crisis

Architecture of war and peace / Refugee crisis, Academic project
mentorship: Ivan Rašković 
The historical significance of Kovin has led me to explore refugee crises and the role of architecture in the context of war/peace. The character of the airport is a type of a limbo, and at the same time a motive of exiting limbo. The idea was that the new matrix would represents the infrastructure necessary for functioning of the settlement (roads, technical blocks). In contrast to the former rigid matrix, the new matrix is freer, more dynamic, and forms a kind of arabesque. Elements of infrastructure represent a fixed entity, while housing and public functions occupy space over time. Different module sizes are designed, and these modules are inserted into the newly formed matrix in places that are predetermined by the position of the technical blocks and constructive elements. This way a limbo is formed, a limbo in which the time does not get lost, but the inhabitants continue to improve and live their lives, while the motive of leaving and arriving, is always present. The new structure represents a counterattack to the existing runway and attempts to reverse the circular character of the limbo (refugee) in a spiral in which progress exists. The structure has no defined boundaries, which allows its growth depending on current needs - as an arabesque.
Architecture of Peace / Refugee crisis

Architecture of Peace / Refugee crisis
