We visited Morocco for the first time in 2013, we started from Marrakesh, like every tourist, but we twisted the adventure a little bit up when we chosen to visit Aït Benhaddou, the trip beyond the Atlas Mountains was unforgettable.
First impact of Marrakesh, the Souks
When you get lost in the Souks you can still find some pearls, like this one, a tannery...watch out from the smell =)
When you are starting to figure out where you are, the attraction to visit are countless, like the Ben Youssef Madrasa

Finally orientation is coming back, so let's continue with El Badi Palace
Marrakesh is a very sunny, hot and thirsty city, just pick the first restaurant and you'll not regret it
All roads lead to Rome , but here, every footsteps brings you to just one place, Jemaa el-Fnaa
Simply wait a little bit after the sunset and the place will transform in something magical
The trip across the Atlas Mountain is something that you are not prepared for, expect the unexpectable
The cars are not the only method of transport
That's our first stop,Tabourahte, a crossroads between Ouarzazate and Aït Benhaddou
Sometimes the grand-taxi have enough space and sometimes not, we were lucky, the guys on the roof a little bit less
Children playing at night around the house
We were lucky to assist a marriage, and the drummers were already on fire
At the end of our journey, there it was, the old Kasbah of Aït Benhaddou, where noumerous films have been shot
Morocco's trip

Morocco's trip

Small trip of one week in Morocco, some days and Marrakesh and an adventurous trip through the Atlas Mountains
