Logo and identity system | Name search
Japanese foundation providing financial support in the aftermaths of the 2011 tsunami.
Canopy provides direct financial aid to the victims and found house repairs.
A strong connection with tradition and nature​​​​​​​
The logo is a canopy of bamboos in the Japanese traditional style of crests — kamons.
The bamboos intertwining encapsulates the idea of strength and resilience, protection and solidarity.
A celebration of the Japanese uniqueness​​​​​​​
Text layouts play with the diversity of Japanese reading orientation, vertical and horizontal, left and right, depending on the alphabet used.
It is supported by a grid system theorized by Jan Tschichold, providing a universal reading confort. This grid is repeated on all documents to ensure a cohesive and organized ensemble.
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ISUKLO est un studio graphique spécialiste de l'identité de marque.
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ISUKLO is a graphic studio focused on brand identity.
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CANOPY Foundation

CANOPY Foundation

Canopy is a Japanese foundation created in the aftermaths of the tsunami of 2011. We helped developing the name, we created a logo and a statione 阅读更多内容
