Fadi Zumot profili

"Offload" by shireen Talhouni

Homemade Solo 3: In "Offload فشة غل” specific body parts move very fast while travelling along a horizontal line in space. At times the dance is constrained within the horizontal path, other times it break out. While entering and exiting the predefined pathway in a convoluted and almost comical state the body experiences moments of comfort, confinement, restriction, frustration, rage, empowerment, defiance, rebellion, obedience, permission, fear, surrender, defeat, determination, sensuality and freedom. /// “Homemade” is a dance work made up of 4 solos that were conceived around a series of spatial frameworks. The body is observed as it experiences various states of being while encountering notional borders, edges and boundaries. ///::: Performed May 2nd 2018 at the @hccjo —- Sponsored by  @bankaletihadjo ——- 📸 @hibajudeh ——👗 @fadifzumot
"Offload" by shireen Talhouni
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"Offload" by shireen Talhouni

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