This sculpture was included as part of an artist installation at Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site in Philadelphia, PA from March 2004 until December 2011. 
These sculptures represent the colony of cats that took up residence in the prison grounds after the closing of the Penitentiary in 1971.  It is a testimony to survival. 
This hand written sign hung on a feeding station at ESP.  For twenty-eight years Dan McCloud (Dan the Cat Man) came to the prison three times a week to care for and feed his 30-40 jailhouse cats.  In 1993 the cats were trapped and neutered by the Spayed Club.  The population dwindled and several years later Dan turned the cat care over to the staff of ESP. 
Dan passed away in April of 2002, at 79 years old, around the time of the last cat's death. 
The Ghost Cats became part of the fabric of Eastern State Penitentiary.  Each year in the beginning of the season, the cats were dispersed throughout the prison, often being moved to new locations to allow the exhibit to change for retuning visitors.  Looking to find the cats was a game for children and a challenge for many visitors. 
This installation not only brought the story of Dan "the cat man" McCloud to life but became a landmark for tourists to photograph as a reminder of their trip to Philadelphia.  You can still "google" Ghost Cats at Eastern State Penitentiary to view many photos and comments. 
Ghost Cats
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Ghost Cats

Ghost Cat Installation

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