Quynh Thans profil

Xứ mèo booktrailer

Xứ Mèo
Land of the cats
Motion graphic / Book trailer
Land of the cats is the first graphic novel from Phan, an emerging Vietnamese illustrator. 
I have the honour of working with Du But Publishing house to create this trailer to promote the launch of the book.  
The book is available for purchase now (Vietnamese only).​​​​​​​

The challenge
Graphic novel is still a very new and foreign concept to Vietnamese readers. Phan's graphic novel is even more unique as he blurs the border between the East and the West, manga and comic, juvenile and mature audiences. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
(c) Phan
Our biggest, and also most exciting challenge here is to introduce a not-so-familiar genre of comic to the public, as well as provide a glimpse into the story adventure in Phan's distinctive style. Storytelling comes in all shapes and sizes. Storytelling in the form of static as this graphic novel is surely different than those of animation, in which movements and sounds play a role as important as the graphic itself. ​​​​​​​
The reception
The trailer received well reception from Facebook users, result in 50+ pre-orders within 48 hours. It has been share 200+ times and get 26K views so far. This is quite an impressive number given that the content only lives on Du but Facebook page, a small page of 12K followers and the piece of content is completely organic (no promotion). ​​​​​​
The team
This project would not be able to see the light without the help of the amazing people at Du But Publishing House. I would like to personally thank Phan for letting me have full creativity with his book (including adding sounds, music, redraw bits and bits). 

Animation concept & execution: Quynh Than
Illustration: Phan
Music: David Fesliyan & Yoshida Brothers
Preliminary sketches that set the flow for the story. 
Style frames
Creation of the look and feel, including colour palette, scene selections, composition and such. Direction for animation, VO and sound effects are also taken in consideration. In other words, this is the coloured-storyboard that reflect the final video in static form. 
Xứ mèo booktrailer

Xứ mèo booktrailer
