SIAM Security Impact Assessment Measures

In partnership with Universities from Berlin, Turin and London, the SIAM project aims to develop a web-based application which purpose is to assess security measurements and new technology introduced into transportation facilities.


My role was to help designing wireframes and mock-ups, also developing the web app using HTML, CSS, and jQuery.


The client wanted a platform that was easy to use for everyone involved, that not requires manuals or training.
First, we started by reading the manuals of the previous platform. We had about 5 to 7 manuals. After understanding the software we created some wireframes and presented to the clients.
We had iterations every week, to evaluate the progress of the system. After most wireframes were approved, I created the Front-end using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. I worked with a team of a developer that was in charge of all the back end of the platform.

After months of working in the project, we presented a better version in Berlin:
SIAM Before:

