Haptic Book
Art Direction / Graphic Design / Book Binding

A human is a bundle of senses. When we touch something, the stimulation creates an image in our memory. This is the process of how we understand things through our senses. It is generally said that we have five kinds of senses, but actually, that classification is just an expression for the parts of our body. There are often ways to feel about the senses. When we touch something softly with our fingers when we feel differently from when we smash something with our hand. We memorize these feelings unconsciously. So when we see the same or relatable situation, this brings us back to the memory and creates an image in our mind. Our brain works like a factory that assembles our memories and stimulation of senses to make new objects. Designers construct information that stimulates the senses in a consumer's brain as a mean to create images in a consumer's mind. Kenya Hara, the author of the book "Haptic," thinks that brain exists everywhere in the body and we receive sensation not only our head but everywhere in our body. So designers should consider that we are creating things for those all brains all over the body. 
The sense of touch is the most original and important part of our lives. In fact, the tactile sensation is the very first sense we rely on when we are babies. Not only that, we even use the sense of touch inside of our mother's belly to communicate. So haptic sensation is the most powerful and sensitive sense of our five senses. Therefore design can awaken those senses not only with the surface of designs or appearances but also through true sensation. We can help people to be aware of their perception and sensitivities. We are losing our senses gradually with the advent of new technologies. However, we also can bring them back using those same technologies. For example, the iPhone 6s and 7 both use a tactic engine to make users comfortable. Haptic design is not about the object itself, but we need to carefully think about the person who is receiving the sensation by itself. This haptic design can move someone's mind and decision with different types of tactile information.
This handmade book is all about the fact of Haptic design that I researched as my thesis at Pratt Institute. 
This book has several techniques relate to tactility to express the contents through "Haptic Design".
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