Thanks to the ergonomic design of the neckband, this product does not shake during the strenuous exercise; and the part touching bodies is made of high-quality urethane material and provides a nice feel.
6 hard keys placed on both sides in front of Neckband support entertainment and health monitoring function.
These buttons have the integrated waterproof structure without the parting lines with the neckband, so users can use this product with easy mind during the excercise.
IRIVER ON has the stereo earphones with a built-in measurement sensor made by innovative technology.
Users can receive various information including accurate heart rate and related data from earphones.
user enjoying jogging or extreme sports, can enjoy high-quality music in a more comfortable environment. IRIVER ON’s innovative neckband type form factor comfortably wraps users’ neck and provides stable usability during the strenuous exercise.
In-house Design : Jeongbeom Han
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