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Mortal Engines - The Turd Tanks (Section 60)

Mortal Engines Project - Section 60 AKA 'The Turd Tanks'
BRIEF: To generate and complete the production design (for designated sets) for a single camera feature film production of “Mortal Engines” by Phillip Reeve.

             Target Audience 10 - 25 year olds.
When approaching this project I found that I came face to face with a lot of challenges that I had not encountered before mainly how would I build a large scale set that wasn't confined to walls within a room, and how would I maintain the space and make it interesting and communicate its purpose with the viewer visually.
I decided that for my space I would create a part of 'The Gut' underneath London specifically 'The Turd Tanks' where prisoners of the city would be forced to go through the sewage of the population and turn it into food that could sustain them, therefore allowing the precious resources that London did have on the Rich and those who lived above.
When initially brainstorming ideas for this space I really fell in love with the use of huge vats taking up part of the room that had layers so the prisoners could walk through the sewage, I also felt that this mean that a lot of walkways would need to be present to allow access to these layers.
As I began to build my white card model I really got to understand how I a process to the ‘Turd Tanks’ would be insinuated which overall helped me explain my project during the final pitch.
When it came to drawing up visuals for this project I decided to try and use Photoshop - a programme I wasn’t completely experienced in - to try and depict the vibe and scene that would be shown on screen. This practise helped me understand how paintbrushes could be used to create textures and depth and perspective played surge a vital part in imagining the space.
Mortal Engines - The Turd Tanks (Section 60)

Mortal Engines - The Turd Tanks (Section 60)


Kreative områder