Tower Duel is a mobile esports tower defense game, for which I did all the art, from the early concepts and mockups, to the actual in-game tower and unit designs and animations, to UI, to marketing materials to... Basically, well, just everything.
The final game has 24 towers and units, each needed all the in-game animations as well as animated card illustrations etc. The GUI itself has perhaps close to hundred various anims. All the work was done with Photoshop while Spine was used for all the animations.

Tower Duel Logo
Games are hosted and narrated by a psychotic and narcissistic Maxx King with his patented holographic hair that changes depending on his moods and expressions.

Each unit and tower has distinct design and personality, which shows in their designs and animated card illustrations.
Some sketches because.. well.. there were a lot of experimentation and tryouts for various visual aspects of the Tower Duel.

Well, that's all, folks.
Tower Duel


Tower Duel
