This is a shaker shelf style wall shelf. It is meant to keep items such as collectives, decoration, personal items etc. This is the first time I decided to use scots pine, and I must say that I have no regrets. Earlier I           thought the only positive side of it was the good scent of wood. But, I realized that with well-spread stain
and a couple layers of shellac makes the grains of the scots pine stand out beautifully.  This is also the first time I decided to glue the parts together using Titebond glue. The dovetails don't seem to be shaking!
So, that turned out an excellent choice too!
The levels are slided into the sides by dovetails. And as you can see, I still have to attach it to the wall :p
Here you can see the beautiful patterns created by the grains of the wood.
Wall Shelf

Wall Shelf

This is a Shaker shelf style wall shelf.


Kreative områder