Did you miss those guys too? October begins, so let’s have a look at the adventures of our friends. What are they looking for in this poisonous place?
Sometimes you just need to be tranquil and new opportunities will open up for you.
What is happiness? Such small things like sharing roasted marshmallow with a friend.
You never know what will lead your spell.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
"Be quiet! This is a Great Drooling Spirit!"
Just day 7. Just exhausted
Follow your guiding star.
You see, life is a precious, precious gift.
It takes you into the space where a clear sound of a flute is flowing.
A cruel, cruel, capricious Qween.
What is your favorite way to fly? Maybe on a whale?
Thclock is ticking, time is running.
Poor kid ... he's so weak, he needs more light
You don’t need to build angular towers to look outside.
Oh no, not again! He is swollen and blown away! Hold on! We should connect together!
What can you find at the bottom of the bottle? True or false?
Have a gooscorched breakfast!
You know, their hearts are not that breakable
Don't worry, these creatures from thdrain don't harm anyone.
Just lift your eyes and you will see the most expensive diamonds.
Why is she alone and muddy? Because her best friend Ka has a birthday and she gathered hearts for him.
Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice. - Henry Ford
Some flowers might seem #prickly, but really, deep down, they're little gentle creatures...
The gatekeeper stretching the neck asks strange riddles.
Hear My Roar!
I'm fatherless and motherless, And born without sin. Roaring when entering the world, I never speak again.
What am I?
Definitely he has a gift.
double means something only when there is an original.
Do you remember this little creature that guarded by the Spirit of the forest?
"Hey! He stole our garland!"
"Don't touch him! You can get an electric jolt!"
Once the key has been turned, a little slice of paradise.
Inktober 2018


Inktober 2018

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