The following menu design is meant to represent a Caribbean resort restaurant.  Located at a high class vacation resort, the restaurant Resonare will serve as an upscale seafood establishment as well as a family friendly restaurant for vacationing families.
The term resonare is the Latin term for "resonate", meaning to sound again or echo.  This idea came from the sound of the ocean waves emitted from seashells when pressed to the ear.
The rough cover surrounding the menu gives the feeling of the gritty texture of sand on wooden docs or sand stuck in your shoes.  In contrast, the smooth texture of each page emits a more luxurious feel complementing the high class status of the restaurant.
The shell used in the logo design is a conch shell which is known to give off the sound of ocean waves when placed to the ear.


The following menu design is meant to represent a carribbean resort resturaunt. Located at a high class vacation resort, the resturaunt Resonare Se mer
