Akshay Jirage 的個人檔案

Artmarq App Design Iterations

Artmarq App Design Process

It starts with an idea to bring all the latest information in arts business on mobile. 
My approach: I think visually hence when I actually started building the app, I was convinced that I need certain elements looking certain way. For example,  the Stream or Trending tab is inspired by social media feeds and Collection Search by all major search products to familiarise users with the approach as much as possible. 

Wire-Frame of an app consists of 3 Tabs
These are simulator images showing Trending- a stream of art market information in chronological order and Collection Search where you can search from historical art market records.

In the beginning, I focused on fictionality implementation more than the design hence the early version has small images and dark header.  
I ended up removing the Collection Tab completely from the App Store version cause I decided to merge it with the Search Tab to avoid repetition.  
Based on Beta users feedback, I removed the dark header all together which was occupying very precious screen real-estate.
Artmarq App Design Iterations

Artmarq App Design Iterations

