Dear Rain | Zine (2018)
Mixed Media

The Cape drought made its uncomfortable mark on us all this year where the inability to use water as we please became a harsh reality. This inability to cleanse, to cool, to warm, to feed, and to relieve was one that made me frequently yearn for rain like the withering flowers in my garden.

I found myself longing for rain to not only feed the arid land around me, but soak and cleanse my inner landscape. Suddenly the drought was not a literal occurrence anymore, but the perfect metaphor for a misery that crept into my almost-thirty-year-old existence.

Then, the realisation that rain, even though sometimes harsh and violent, is crucial to bringing relief. When there is no rain, there can also be no flowers.

I, therefore, hope this zine will bring you comfort when you need it, as it gave me when I made it.​​​​​​​
Fold-out Zine Design:
Original illustrations in stick & ink, monoprints, gouache resist, and drypoint:
Dear Rain | Zine (2018)

Dear Rain | Zine (2018)

An illustrated zine in mixed media and print making dealing with rain, drought, mental health and depression.
