Forced Connections
The project was over making a clever icon using negative space for two words that usually never go together. We were to choose words from two lists and make icons for the combination. After we chose the words, we made sketches and then vectorized the icons. 

First I made combinations of words I wanted to use. Then I made mind maps of each word I used to get a better idea of what I wanted to do. After that, I sketched out nine icons for each word combination. After critiques, I had to change some of the icons as they were not easily understood or just change the details on some of them.
I used Adobe Illustrator to create each icon. First I made all the icons in black and white to see if the icon made sense without colors. Some were too complex to understand and others had some minor things to fix. After class critiques, I changed what I needed to change and added colors to make them more appealing. After that, I resized the icons and printed them off.

I learned that being simple is a to making logos. Too many details would get lost when the icon is shrinked down so I had to make the logos as. I also learned how essential the reflection tool is in making logos and how much simpler it is to make logos with them.
Forced Connections

Forced Connections



Kreative områder