Profil von Christopher Muniu

Why You Need a Laptop Stand.

Here's Why You Need a Laptop Stand.

Laptops are awesome portable computers that provide a lot of convenience for people who need to do light computing on the move. There's a laptop everywhere these days;  in restaurants, at the Airport, in hospitals....there's always someone somewhere using a laptop.  

And since laptops have evolved to be very powerful mini computers that can fit right into our back packs,  most people are replacing the traditional desktop computers with laptops at the office or at home.  

It's very convenient and the laptops are fully capable; but there's a problem. Laptops were not designed to be our main computers. They were designed with portability in mind and the design presents a serious ergonomic challenge to the users.  

Unlike desktop computers, laptops have their keyboard joined together with the screen to make it easy to carry around. But when using it, you'll almost always find yourself hunching forward or bend your neck.

Laptops are therefore Ergonomically unfit to be used for long periods of time. This sitting position will more often than not,  result n back pains and neck strains.  Especially if you're using your laptop as your main workstation or for log periods o time.  

Fortunately, you don't need to throw away your laptop and purchase a desktop. You can save your money and purchase a laptop stand. Laptop stands are accessories that help you lift your laptop to an Ergonomic position to save your back and your neck.  

The best Ergonomics for a computer are depicted by a desktop PC. The keyboard should be on your surface which should be slightly lower that your elbow height when you sit upright. The top of the screen should be around 1 or 2 inches above your eye level when you sit upright.  

The design of the laptop does not allow this and that is why you need this laptop stand. Sure you can make your own DYI laptop stand with a bunch of old books as shown in  the image below. 
Since lifting your laptop also lifts the attached keyboard and track pad, you'll need to purchase a wired or wireless external keyboard and mouse to complete the setup.
But as you can see, that setup is functional and easy to setup without reaching deep into your pocket. But honestly speaking, that's an ugly setup. If you want a more professional looking setup, you can purchase a laptop stand. 

Laptop stands come in different shapes and sizes and you can choose the one that best fits you, your taste, your budget and your general usage. 
There are different laptop stand designs if you want to improve the aesthetics of your office setup.  
If you're on a budget, there are laptop stands that very in different price ranges for you to choose.  
If you're the type of person who moves around with your laptop, there are also portable laptop stands that you can buy and slip them into your backpack together with your laptop to move around with.  

For whatever your criteria is, there is a 'best laptop stand'  that fits that criteria as elaborated on Webpro Education. Check out the best laptop stands and find direct links to buy them on Amazon.  It might cost you a few extra dollars but it's still better than taking pain killers.  
Why You Need a Laptop Stand.

Why You Need a Laptop Stand.

Here is why you need a laptop stand to be more productive with your laptop and stay healthy.

