Gothic Lab is a series of life-inspired patterned typefaces, with a technological focus on “High Definition” fonts.

Gothic Lab is a curious beast. It has flakes, shells, hair. It’s made from organic material and from algorithmic engineering at the same time. It's multiple animals at once, all bred from a common stem. Gothic Lab purrs, hisses and roars while it explores the potential of algorithmically-generated patterns. It evokes many materials found in the physical world, like feathers, fingerprints, or worms. It's at ease in the wild.

Buy Gothic Lab from 70€
Design: Jean-Baptiste Levée & Ivan Murit. Team: Hugues Gentile, Quentin Schmerber, Pauline Fourest, Suehli Tan.

Gothic Lab

Gothic Lab

Gothic Lab is a series of life-inspired patterned typefaces, with a technological focus on “High Definition” fonts. Gothic Lab is a curious beas Další informace
