Luca Chiarelli's profile

Somewhere, someone collects it

Somewhere, someone collects it. The target of this project is to find a collection of objects and make an infographic with it. I have chosen keyrings: I have a lot, and I wanted to find a cool way to represent the "kitschness" of the most classic of the collections. 
I then designed a new set of icons to represent the keyrings in a map that shows the distance between the place where the item was collected and me (based in Venice).
The map is not the kind of usual map you know: starting from the world map i designed a circular (not-so-accurate) infographic, where is more simple to put my icons.
Whithin the set of icons, you may find two "black sheeps": they are called Bastard and Forgery. The Bastard is a souvenir that is not a keyring; the Forgery is a keyring from a non-existing place.
In the final output, an A2 poster, I also designed a timeline representing the year I collected each item of the set, and a underground-like line of the distances of the keyrings, from the nearest to the furthest.
And this is the final output of the project:
Somewhere, someone collects it

Somewhere, someone collects it

Somewhere, someone collects it. Keyrings from the world
