Ashima Madan profili

Dhappa Shopping Bag design

Dhappa is an art collective that creates endearing art and then converts that into designer merchandise. The products were aimed at the office going population of metropolitan cities and our brand philosophy reflected that too. The key idea was to leave people with a smile, and help them identify surprisingly joyful moments in their lives. 

'Dhappa', a word used by children at play to startle the "it" in hide-and-seek, was chosen as our brand name as it's the linguistic equivalent of surprising someone and reminiscent of childhood - both feelings that we wished to evoke with our brand. 

Tagline: Sometimes when you're busy chasing a living, life catches you by a surprise.

Shopping bag design: Taking our brand vision forward, we embedded a little surprise in the bags that were given to people who purchased goods from us. The copy on the front of the bag painted a grim picture of life as is, but once you open the bag to put something in it, the copy on the spine becomes visible. It is a carefully crafted extension of the same text, but from a different perspective - literally and figuratively. A picture of the bag, and the copy on front and spine can be seen below. 
Dhappa Shopping Bag design
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Dhappa Shopping Bag design

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