Icatu Seguros
Icatu Seguros is a company specialized in protection and financial planning solutions. Brazil's largest independent insurer in life, pension and capitalization, Icatu Seguros joined the list of clients of Approach Comunicação seeking to renew their way of communicating with the public in social networks.

I was responsible to establish a brand identity that transmited the pillars of the company, such as strength, specialty, proximity, trust and achievement. I developped a visual communication to make the content simpler and more efficient in order to address the message of the company. I also defined a photographic language for the brand and I was able to produce content with iconography involving animations.

Graphic design project: Eduarda Rohde 
Art direction: Karina Rohde and Oliver Duarte
Developped at Approach Comunicação Integrada – 2018

Icatu Seguros

Icatu Seguros
