Profilo di Khaula Jamil

Dharna at Bilawal House Chowrangi

Hundereds of people gathered outside the Presidents house in Karachi (named Bilawal House after his eldest son Bilawal Bhutto) to protest the violent killings of Hazara Shias in Quetta in January 2013. Shiites have been victim to violence by fundamentalist Sunni organizations who believe they are ethnically cleansing the nation.
Me and my two fave photographers went together to shoot the dharna. Such protests are at times the targets of some serious violence such a bomb blasts but for some reason we really didn't think about that.
Dharna at Bilawal House Chowrangi

Dharna at Bilawal House Chowrangi

Protest at Bilalwal Chowrangi against the Shia killings in Jan 2013
