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Shapestory - Play Object/Creation Game

Shapestory was a Iong project that I created over the course of 2011-2012.
The Box cover of the play object/game. I wanted to give a sense of the creative potential of the stories while also showing the dual nature of the red/blue colors and different pictures on either side of the pieces.
The objective is to piece together different shaped pieces of the same color and create a story out of them. There is no specific rule that states how you are to do this, except for the fact that you must not leave any gaps in between shapes.
It was very well received by the Jury and I achieved the highest complements and points for the play object from the jury among all the play objects presented.
The bottom of the box showing the various pieces available in the base set.
I came up with this idea after iterating on 5 other possible play objects. I then arrived at a version similar to this, which used simple and abstract designs. However, I thought that it would be somewhat boring when you created something that just a combination of lines that resembled something.
So, after giving it some thought and discussing it with some of my friends, I came upon the idea of using pictures. This was genuinely fun, due to its inherent creative nature.
People would enjoy placing and adjoining seemingly unrelated pictures together to piece a story together.
The crazy thing was that, due to the nature of the pieces being two sided, with different pictures on the back side, they would end up with another story on the other side.
This game plays on Interpretation and how each person can envision or understand the same thing in an entirely different manner.  You give meaning to the story, going from left to right, making up your version of what each of the pictures mean.
Hence, when viewing a completed combination of the pieces, there would be endless ways of interpreting them, resulting in at least 7 different stories if seen from the 4 different angles, up-down-left-right and another 3 in a similar on the other side, in addition to your first one.
Shapestory - Play Object/Creation Game

Shapestory - Play Object/Creation Game

Shapestory is a play object - creation game that I created as a long project over the course of 2011-2012.
