Tim Spanjer 님의 프로필

H. G. Wells Was Right

48" x 48" x 3" Acrylic Latex on boxed hardboard - SOLD at the Magic City Art Connection 2018
This painting is based on the H.G. Wells novel, "The War of The Worlds". The invaders in this piece are allowed to exist only for a short time as Wells uses a literary plot device to abruptly end the invasion - "Dues Ex Machina" or, "God from the machine". The phrase is a plot twist whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved by the inspired and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability or object. In the case of this painting they will return, and next time they come they will be ready.
H. G. Wells Was Right

H. G. Wells Was Right

When the world ends we will think back to H. G. Well and say, "He was Right!"


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