Hey Y'all!​​​​​​​

So this school period we have been working on another game, this time without developers, so we used a package in unity called 2d game kit, and it was lots of fun figuring it out!

Our game is called Inca Adventure, and it was made with Kevin van de Laar, Imke Scheijen and Enrique van Someren.

The story is that an explorer from long ago has been searching for the treasure of Quetzalcoatl. Now that he's old and cranky, he has finally found the tempel he has been searching for in the middle of south-america. Will this be his big break?

I have been in charge of animating the main character and two of the enemies, plus doing some extra things.

Main character animations:
Enemy animations:
Some background trees:
There were also several VFX's that were certain colours that didn't match the items made by us, so i figured out how to change that. Here's an example of a box that used to have blue VFX's.
Here are also some character sketches, I imagined him being a racist old fart, hence the speech bubbles.
I've also figured out how to replace the existing audio clip's with new ones and how to make the main character teleport from one place to the other. Unfortunately it would be difficult to show these things to you, so I can only mention it here.

That's all, I hope you liked it!
Inca Adventure
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Inca Adventure

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