Profil appartenant à Eheeta Gurung

The Legend of the Gotra

This project brings a small portion of Hindu history to light.The importance behind reasoning has lost its charm with the blindly followed traditions. Through this fictional book, the unaware inquisitive people will be apprised about the origin behind the gotra. It will deliver information through a fresher perspective by drawing parallels from the mango tree and the gotra. These two subjects are linked on the basis of their exogamous nature. 
What is a gotra?
(Sanskrit: गोत्र) 
It is a lineage segment within an Indian caste that prohibits intermarriage by virtue of the members’ descent from a common mythical ancestor, an important factor in determining possible Hindu marriage alliances. Originally referred to the seven lineage segments of the Brahmans (priests), who trace their derivation from seven ancient seers: Atri, Bharadvaja, Bhrigu, Gotama, Kashyapa, Vasishtha, and Vishvamitra. An eighth gotta was added early on, the Agastya, named after the seer intimately linked up with the spread of Vedic Hinduism in southern India. 

Book Cover
Iteration storyboard
Iteration book form

Final Outcome:
Illustrated story
8 x 8 in Accordion
Top view
The illustrations denote the seven seers houses
The Legend of the Gotra
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The Legend of the Gotra

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