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Marma Massage Course

Where to Study Marma Massage Course in India?
Are you interested in studying the Siddha Marma course?

If yes, you are not alone. An increasing number of students are showing interest to learn the ancient healing methods at the Ayurveda colleges in India. The Ayurvedic principles and treatments have proven useful to treat lifestyle-related problems and health issues.

People are reeling under many psychological problems like stress, depression, and restlessness apart from serious health issues. The fast living lifestyle is responsible for cropping many health issues as individuals failed to get adequate rest and indulge in poor nutrition diet. Worst, there is no care and treatment of mental problems faced by people in modern healthcare. Marma therapy has a solution to these problems.

What is Marma therapy?

Marma is a point in the body where the muscles, bones, vessels, joints, and ligaments meet. According to Ayurveda, there are 108 Marma points including the mind in a human body. The points are used to treat and diagnosis of various diseases in the body.

In the Marma massage course, the students will learn the massaging technique to stimulate the Marma points for relaxation, rejuvenation, and vitality while driving positivity in the individual.

In the classroom, students will get theoretical knowledge on different Marma points in the body. That knowledge is incomplete without practical skills combination in the workshop. Learning by doing is an ideal way of acquiring skills to locate and massage Marma points according to Ayurvedic therapy and concepts.

Qualified teachers are essential for a student to guide and help in the theoretical and practical training. The Marma points are sensitive junctures that need extra care while massaging to avoid fatal damages to the body. Certified and experienced faculties are essential to make training successful and for your career progression.

Want to study the Marma Therapy in India?

Aitheinhealing is a top Ayurveda school in India offering Marma massage course to the students coming from different countries. Presence of qualified teachers in combination with intensive workshop training help students to acquire the skills quickly. Contact them to enroll in the course today.
Marma Massage Course

Marma Massage Course


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