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《不知名想象》 系列 数码版画 2016

《宝藏》 Treasure
《潜行》  Stealth
《睡谷》 Sleepy
《四五》Four or five
《 不知名想象 》 系列:

在不知名的世界里想象,肆意无后果,你所想的即为现实,你所做的都可以一笔勾销,无所谓上无所谓下,沉浸进去然后出来,回想起来的就成了记忆,这种念想久而久之在我们的回忆里仿佛就成为了现实,梦想颠倒不过如此. 这次采用了综合版画的形式呈现这个系列,数码是虚拟世界的产物,将虚拟输出,也犹如把“想象”做了一次输出,落在了现实中。

 <Unknown Imagination>

In the unknown world, wanton without consequences, what you think is the reality, can be written off, and you do not down, inside and out, in retrospect, became a memory, the mind over time as if has become a reality in our memories, dreams upside down. This takes the form of a comprehensive engravings rendering this series, digital is the product of the virtual world, the virtual output, also is the "imagine" made a output, landed in reality.
《不知名想象》 系列 数码版画 2016


《不知名想象》 系列 数码版画 2016
