Noris Zoe 님의 프로필

Tajawal Coupon Code

As common as air travel has become, most of us can’t help but feel a little jittery a few hours or even days before the flight. Why are airfares so expensive? Do I have my passport? I think I forgot my check-in time! Where’s my boarding pass? Overweight baggage, no! What if I set off the alarms at security? Well, worry no more because we’ve put together a few tips and reminders to help you get rid of those pesky pre-flight jitters.

1. Why so expensive?
Air tickets can be pricey and it’s not always helpful when you are completely dependant on flying but your wallet’s not ready to feel the pinch. We suggest you build a good reputation with your local travel agent or alternatively book your tickets online. Online travel websites usually have great deals on a host of airlines. Our favorite way of saving is to check online coupon sites for discount codes on airfare. Try the Emirates Coupon Code or the Tajawal Coupon Code that even allows you to book and pay later!

2. Don’t lose to traffic
Traveling to the airport requires as much planning as flying itself. Especially if you’re in a city that isn’t your hometown, we suggest you plan your departure day around the time taken to reach the airport. Ask locals to get an idea of how long it would take to reach the airport at the time around which you will be traveling. If you’re in your own city then you know when the peak traffic hours are and the best time to travel. It’s always a good idea to give yourself some buffer time at the airport and not be there exactly 2 hours before an international or an hour before a domestic flight. Plan well and don’t let the traffic get the better of you.

3. Essentials checklist
Most of us tend to forget the most important things like our passports or boarding passes in our hurry to make it to the airport on time. So make a digital or if you’re certain you can bank on it, a mental list of essential documents that you need to have with you. This list could include, your passport, visa, boarding pass (printed or scanned onto your mobile device), a prescription for any medication you might be carrying, etc. Furthermore, keep all these documents together in an easily accessible place in your hand baggage or have a separate pouch dedicated to these essentials. The Namshi Coupon Code could help you save on buying the perfect travel pouch.

4. Ease your way through check-in
Checking-in during rush hour can be a nightmare. Long lines that seem to move at snail’s pace and travelers butting into the line to meet their flight’s final call. We’ve got a little insider’s tip for you. Go lounge at a cafe. Airport announcers usually call out the flights that are scheduled to depart first during the rush hour. So go grab a coffee, read a book or play a game until you hear your flight being called. Don’t tire yourself by waiting in those long lines!

5. Woo at immigration
Immigration procedures can make even the most confident traveler that tad bit nervous. We’ve had some interesting experiences ourselves but we’ve learned that a little courtesy and some nice shoes go a long way. The next time it’s your turn at the immigration desk, greet the office with a warm “hello”. They’ve been there scanning documents, questioning travelers and trying to do their best. It can be taxing. So show them a little kindness and we promise they’ll reciprocate. Think of immigration as a business interview you know you’re going to do well at. Dress well because first impressions can create a world of favorable difference, answer questions to the point and confidently so and don’t forget to thank the officer before you leave. We’re sure you’ll breeze through immigration with this.

Now that you’ve got a few key tips to help you on your way, we’re sure you’ll be bidding those jittery travel nerves adieu. Happy traveling!

Tajawal Coupon Code

Tajawal Coupon Code

Now that you’ve got a few key tips to help you on your way, we’re sure you’ll be bidding those jittery travel nerves adieu. Happy traveling!


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