My four roughs, below.
_________________________________________________________Thumbnail sketches below

Draft 1 below, draft 2 was lost when the file was deleted 
Inspiration was found from the designs of propaganda, with a more moral approach. The decision of morality was chosen because we want to show people what it would feel like to be in that situation, and exposed men to the hardships faced by women while at work.

Often times while women work they are payed 79.6 cents to a mans dollar, this is a problem. Additionally, while bringing children into the world majority of employers do not provide paid leave. This is a problem, we need to solve it.

The photo graph of the woman is from Roman Akhmenro, and the photograph of the man is from Parker Whitson.
Wage Gap, Why?

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Wage Gap, Why?

Inspiration was found from the designs of propaganda, with a more moral approach. The decision of morality was chosen because we want to show peo Lue lisää
