K HAMILTON's profile


The miraculous is all around, all you have to do is look or know how to look, my work takes the mundane and turns it into the miraculous, a kaleidoscope of pattern and colour.
I am an Irish artist living and working in Belfast, producing contemporary photographic collages based on our environment. Through my work I am challenging us to see Ireland in a new way. We are more than thatched cottages or flags, my work takes what we know and turns it on its head… literally. My work creates a different way of looking at what we see every day; everybody in Belfast knows the City Hall or the Opera house, everybody in Dublin knows Christ church or Trinity, but seldom do we actually look at the detail or beauty of our built environment. I want  people to celebrate the environment we live and work in,
My work isolates and explores every detail and expands it into a kaleidoscope of colour and pattern, showing the mundane in a new dynamic perspective. I have studied in minute detail landmarks of our country, buildings such as the Grand Opera House, the City Hall or Trinity College photographically mapping the form and surface of traditional and modern landmarks. Then focusing on small elements have cut and joined the image together creating a symmetrical kaleidoscopic view. I want to encourage people to have a different and positive view of our environment and be proud of where we are.
I want people to see the positive aspect of our culture. The legacy of the past has been a source for many artistic works, my work focus’s on the dynamic and positive highlighting the best of Ireland in a new way.
Highlighting the beauty in the environment around us, environment that we walk past everyday and ignore or take for granted.


