Sofia Chiarini profiliFrancesco Giudice profili

Museums in Italy La Lettura-Corriere della Sera

Museums, monuments and archaeological areas in Italy
Data visualization for La Lettura - Corriere della Sera

The visualization shows the museums, monuments and archeological areas most visited in Italy in 2017.
On the left, the map shows the most visited places, free and paid. On the left for each region is shown the total number of visitors, the number of free and paid sites, and the annual revenues of the paid sites. On the bottom, a history of visitors, from 1996 to 2017.

Original version published in Italian
Published on La Lettura #355 on September 16th, 2o18
A project by Sofia Chiarini and Francesco Giudice
Museums in Italy La Lettura-Corriere della Sera
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Museums in Italy La Lettura-Corriere della Sera

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