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Medieval soldier of a Celje Castle

Three examples of warrior classes in the early 15th century. Style is less know early gothic, known as kastenbrust, after a particular and slightly unusual style of cuirass.
All three pieces together
A well equiped pavise crosbowman with brigandine-type of body protection
noble horseman with a high style of kastenbrust cuirass
guard with low end protection, basic style of kastenbrust cuirass and a poleaxe
sketch for a horseman, latter changed due format restrictions
crosbowman sketch
Set of a three classes of early 15th century warriors, as a companion piece for an exhibition which represents an interior of a castle tower. It consist of low-end guard, well equiped pavise crosbowman and high-end noble cavalry man. Style of armour is less known kastenbrust and it was chosen because it was a style of a particular period, when noble family of the counts of Celje (Cili) were extinghuished. Old castle of Celje in present day Slovenia was their largest stronghold and the exhibition is part of this castle's collection. It is an impressive example of a medieval defensive structure and definately worth of a visit. 

Technique is guache and watercolour.
Medieval soldier of a Celje Castle


Medieval soldier of a Celje Castle

Three types of medieval soldiers of early 15th century


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