Henkilön Toni Jover profiili

A National Street Photography Project in Black & White

CAT - Una temptació comuna en la fotografia de carrer és llençar-se a capturar, salvatgement, un grapat d'instantànies que, tot i que poden ésser tècnicament bones, mostren només aquells encàrrecs i atrafecs de la vida quotidiana a les grans ciutats, sovint absents d'un context o un relat que acompanyi l'espectador. Tenint en compte que en l'enorme majoria d'ocasions, els propòsits i els circumstàncies de la vida dels nostres subjectes fotogràfics ens són desconegudes, no seria interessant fer l'esforç d'imaginar-les, o fins i tot construir una petita narració o guió perquè aquests nobles actors el puguin representar a les nostres pantalles d'ordinador?
EN - A common temptation in street photography is the wild capture of technically good pictures, sometimes without a proper context or story to tell, apart from being an expression of life's errands in big cities. As most of the times we, the photographers, ignore the purposes and circumstances in our subjects' lives, wouldn't it be nice to imagine them, or even narrate a small tale or plot for our noble actors, for them to play in our screens? Cliches? Maybe, maybe not.
The French art connoisseur just realised -to his despair- that some galleries are closed on Mondays
The Austrian jewelry crafter inspecting the street for upcoming taxi cabs
The fabulous Hindi pigeon charmer in action
The conspicuous Corsican chef considering the path to follow
The Argentinean chess players -having only moved a couple of pawns- engage each other in elaborate jokes
The Romanian beggar matriarch crosses in a hurry
The Pakistani tourist chose a map that was too small, a sacrifice he assumed in order no to bring one that sticked too much out of his elegant jacket pocket
The Scottish travel guide writer, who just left his centric hotel room to do some field work, is about to be tempted by the bright lights in La Virreina Palace
The retired Sicilian fashion designer and his friends
...and his expert hands.
The hesitant Catalan flower customer
The Swedish naval engineer waiting for his acquaintances, who are untolerably late
The Swiss antiquarian surprised in his kiosk amidst photo cameras
The unaware Spanish bank accountant, caught during a nap, daydreams of distant summer holidays
Two Greek students -and a third mysterious shadow- enjoy coffee and ciggarettes in their slow descent to darkness
A very lost and confused man that -in a moment of desperation- forgot what his nationality was
A National Street Photography Project in Black & White

A National Street Photography Project in Black & White

A common temptation in street photography is the wild capture of technically good pictures, sometimes without a proper context or story to tell, Lue lisää
