Perfil de Josh Gibson

Why is High Emotional Intelligence Important

Josh Gibson, MD, a graduate of Columbia University, develops the management skills of clients as an executive coach and consultant in San Francisco. Through his job, Josh Gibson teaches business leaders about such things as balancing work and life, creating high-functioning teams, and understanding emotional intelligence data.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is represented by EQ, or emotional quotient. It covers such things as self-awareness, motivation, and empathy and requires a great deal of honesty. To determine the EI of a person, they must be capable of identifying their emotions and recognizing how these emotions influence others.

In business, EI is extremely important for success. People who have more EI demonstrate strong leadership skills. More specifically, they are better at empathy, active listening, and being emotionally aware when compared to their lower-EI counterparts. Not only that, but higher EI is associated with better negotiation skills. The reason this occurs is because people with a high EI have an easier time reading the emotional cues of others and regulating their own emotions, thus ensuring they enjoy more success when negotiating.
Why is High Emotional Intelligence Important
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Why is High Emotional Intelligence Important

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