JC Gaal 的个人资料

Renaissance 2018

David | Michelangelo Buonarroti by yours truly as part of a Renaissance series I worked on.
David before the battle with Goliath in a moment between conscious choice and action – fight and flight. His brow is drawn, his neck tense, and the veins bulge out of his lowered right hand. His left hand holds a sling that is draped over his shoulder and down to his right hand, which holds a rock.
La Pieta | Michelangelo Intervened. Presented alongside an excerpt from his poem “Celestial Love”
He was judged mainly for his work as a sculptor and painter but was a little more reticent about his written work that ranged from conventional poetry in his early days to experimentation with more adventurous forms in later life.
Through words, Michelangelo began to seriously explore such poetic staples as love and the approach of death. Certainly an interesting parallel with this particular sculpture.
Moses | Michelangelo Intervened. Presented alongside another of his poems “The Doom of Beauty”. It’s an understatement to say that Michelangelo was a really interesting person during his lifetime. And despite always dressing poorly and having a bad temper, people wanted to know about him, so he became the first person in history to work on an autobiography.
He was known as “Il Divino”, or the Divine, and everyone wanted to know the facts of his life, or at least a colorful recounting of them. This is likely what led Michelangelo to publish not one, but two full length autobiographies in his lifetime.

Glitch & Renaissance: 2018
Merging eras, I attempted to bring some of Renaissance's most memorable sculptures to the current times by incorporating iconic elements pertaining to popular current aesthetic movements from digital implementation.
Renaissance 2018


Renaissance 2018

Works of art created during the Renaissance brought to the year 2018. Focused on Michelangelo's sculptures: David &The Pietà.
