This digital painting was produced using the same methods that I use with traditional ink and wash for knotwork. About 60 hours from initial grid to finished piece.
I start every knotwork with a grid -- though not always with a rectangle.
Each rectangle in the grid will be the nexus of up to four threads, so I've found that putting a dot in the center of each grid unit helps me keep track of which way the threads are going.
The green lines here break up the knotwork. I chose to echo the same barriers three times by rotating them around the center.
After I have my barriers set up, it's time to start drawing in the rough placement for the threads.
Here I've finished the rough outlines.
The final heavy black outlines for the threads. This piece is a single continuous line.
The outlines with the guides removed.
As this is one thread, I decided to keep the coloring simple, a basic green.
The final piece with the background painted in and the green touched up.


Digital ink and wash knotwork
