Interior design workshop - creating a concept of a room "Birch grove"
(Part 1 - Mirror)
The task was about minimalist style bedroom concept creation which began with given wallpaper, as a point from where to start flight of ideas...

(Image source: wallpaper images)
The sketch of the room was created, and the possible ideas of appropriate mirror...
(Image source for the mirrors: picture search)
The process of mirror idea realization in material - ceramic mirror frame creation
Used techniques as sketch making process and cut out creations, making forms of shapes from ceramic plastic, texture making process and glazing.  
                                             And the possible mirror for the "Birch grove" bedroom concept was created :) 
Ceramic Mirror Frame
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Ceramic Mirror Frame

Ceramic mirror frame creation as a part of interior design concept for bedroom. Used techniques as sketch making process and cut out creations, m Daha Fazla Bilgi

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