In this post, I showcase that I have created an app for an Android Device (Android version 7.1 in this case) using the latest version of Unity (2018).
Unity is a cross platform game engine that is created by Unity Technologies. It was released in June 2005. The current Unity engine is known to support a total of 27 platforms. It can be used to create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional games, projects and simulations for computers, smart TVs and mobile devices.

The Unity engine runs a primary scripting API in C#, which is a successor of the previously supported language Boo. The engine also supported UnityScript, a version of JavaScript, for a brief period before C# took effect. The editor is supported on Windows and macOS, with a trial version released for linux system as well. It can build games for a total of 27 platforms including Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, PlayStation 4, Google Cardboard and others.

These images are screenshots from my mobile device depicting the running of a basic game which is created with Unity. I followed a tutorial on how to use and get familiar with Unity for the development of an Android game. The game called SimpleMobilePlaceholder shows a red colored cube on the window which spins at a steady pace. Touching the cube causes it to spin in the opposite direction, at the same pace. Although the game is very basic, the process followed for game creation via Unity is the same.

Unity 2018 2.8 
I started by creating a new 3D project. The whole process involved downloading and importing a project from the asset store, downloading and installing JDK and Android SDK tools packages to build up to the app. Before running the game on the Android device, Developer mode was enabled to allow USB debugging. After the game was installed in the device, it was tested. The game was compatible and ran smoothly on the device (Samsung Galaxy S6). The same process can be used to create more complex projects, 2D or 3D, for any of the compatible devices. I noted that downloading only the Android SDK tools package, as suggested in the tutorial, did not help as I was unable to run those tools. So I downloaded the complete Android Studio to proceed at that stage of my work.


Unity. (2018). Building your Unity game to an Android device for testing - Unity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2018].​​​​​​​
App Deployment

App Deployment


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