Profil appartenant à Jason Zheng

DXB202 - Image Production Wk2 | #oneperday18

Week 2 - Image as storytelling

Technique used:
- 0.4 Uni Pin
- 110 gsm Cartridge Paper 
- Hatching
- HB Graphite Pencil
- Ruler, eraser
- Black permanent marker
Image 1 - Peace and Happiness
Firstly I drew a rough sketch with my HB pencil of where I wanted objects to be. Then I sketched each object roughly. After feeling happy with the panel I went over the outside of each object with a  0.4 uni pin. Finally, I added in hatching where there would be shadow.
Image 2 - Dread
Following the process I had done in the first image. I roughly sketched the objects in this panel with a HB pencil as it is easy to erase after. After feeling pleased with the result, I then went over everything with a 0.4 uni pin and similarly to the first one, used an eraser to get rid of the sketched lines. I also did some testing with mouth shapes on the side to try get a frustrated mouth shape. Afterwards I also added the sweat drop and lines that express emotion and thought. This is especially important when the thought bubble doesn’t show my face so I thought of other ways to show emotion and thought.
Image 3 - Regret 
Sill not finding any issues with sketching out the idea first, I used the same process again. This time I also used the ruler to draw lines that cut the panel on both sides to give the effect of a dramatic light. After having gone through with the 0.4 uni pin and erasing the sketch lines, I filled in the outside segments with a black permanent marker. Next I used the 0.4 uni pin to hatch underneath my body to give the effect of water which was achieved by moving the pen left and right in a curvy motion.
Image 4 - Pain and Sorrow
While roughly sketching the character in this panel I wanted to show the intense focus of the character better. To achieve this I added a headband that says work after taking inspiration from Japanese manga. Then I went over everything with a 0.4 uni pin and erased the rough sketch. To finish I used hatching to show the stack of paper and the curtain behind me.
Image 5 - Rest in Peace
In this panel there wasn’t much to sketch so the process of me roughly sketching out the objects and characters was quite simple and done in a timely matter then traced with a 0.4 uni pin. However, there was something missing from the panel, so I added a ghost coming out of the character’s mouth to symbolise death. To finish, I used the 0.4 uni pin to add hatching on the bottom of the character slightly to show shadow.

Short reflection:
This week’s images were really fun and interesting to do as I have done similar work in my spare time. However, I never used the hatching techniques taught in the tutorial before which I found to add a lot to the images. In future, I would probably use a wider range of fine line pens and not just a 0.4 one. I also found adding extra lines on the character to show emotion was also very effective in achieving a comical effect.

DXB202 - Image Production Wk2 | #oneperday18
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DXB202 - Image Production Wk2 | #oneperday18

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