Perfil de Oscar Viñals

The SZZ "Superb ZunZún", private JET

The SZZ "Superb ZunZún"
Published on April 11th, 2019
A new era of supersonic flight is almost here… If things go as planned, in the skies we could see supersonic airplanes again in ten years. But first, we will have to find solutions to today’s obstacles that make the return of supersonic airplanes possible only in future concept designs or in an “embryonic state”.
Obstacles such as:
 -To build efficient and “greener” engines
-The problem of the sonic boom
-New materials capable to resist high temperatures during long flights
-International regulation about altitude and zones where those future airplanes could operate
…and a few more...

The SZZ Superb “ZunZún” is a concept design about the future supersonic business/private Jet planes. Its name comes from a little and fast bird that is found in habitats from Cuba and The Bahamas. Is a species of hummingbird in the family of the Trochilidae.

Imagine we are in a century that we could define as “the great and fast change”, it’s not sci-fi... return to the Moon, travel to Mars, Space tourism. In this 21st Century we could find as “familiar” words and definitions like, Nuclear Fusion Reactor, AI systems (Artificial Intelligence), Plasma devices, Nano structures of Graphene, Supercapacitors, nanocomposites or Gallium Nitride semiconductors/power converters, and many more... that will come. This represents the beginning of a New Era on Aerospatiale & Aeronautic Industries.
How could the SZZ Superb “ZunZún”be? How special could it be?

· In ten years the return of supersonic flights could be a reality, maybe the first airplanes to achieve this goal could be the “little members” of aeronautical family, the private or business Jets. Today, there are some projects that have started the way to build again civilian supersonic airplanes. Those, could be faster and eco friendly as a remarkable abilities/gifts and obviously much safer. This concept plane could be “Tony Stark’s private Jet”.

The SZZ Superb “ZunZún” description:
1· two Hybrid turbofan engines (based on GE Affinity Engine –under develop-) and two Ramjet engines for supersonic speed, could be the “core” of this Jet, in order to reach a maximum speed of Mach 2.2 (2,716 kph). Powered by hydrogen fuel  and electric energy (via manganese-hydrogen batteries, based on carbon fibre & platinum with a liquid solution – today under develop, by Stanford University CA, locates under the Jet’s fuselage).

· The cruise speed could be around Mach 1.7 (2,099 kph) at 18,000 meters of altitude (tested with a 3d model by CFD –computational fluids dynamics-). The range of flight could be about approximately 18,500 km, covering distances like, from New York to Paris in 3 hours or New York to Sydney in 7 hours and a half. All of these trips with a very comfortable conditions.

Made with materials that could reduce the turbofan exhaust noise, during the flight and take off.
And thanks to the location of its engines, inside the fuselage, the business Jet could be very quiet.
The sonic boom is a “handicap” for supersonic flights specially over populated areas. The SZZ Superb “ZunZún” could minimize this supersonic effect thanks to its fuselage’ shapes, with special devices like, canards, special diffusers, a very sharp “nose” (front side) and the plasma actuators, all of those under the supervision of an AI system. Also, thanks to have its engines inside the fuselage and special rear diffusers, besides of the special rear tails and sharp shapes on the edges of the central fuselage in both sides (right/left).
Basic specifications:

-Cruise speed: Mach 1.7 (2,099 km/h) max. speed, Mach 2.2 (2,716 km/h)
-Ceiling: 18,000 m / 59,055 ft
-Range: 9,989 nm / 18,500 km
-Crew: 3
-Passengers: up to 11
-Engines: 2 Hybrid Turbofan & 2 Ramjet
-Wingspan: 26.40 m (86.61ft)
-Length: 40.70 m (133.53 ft)
-EERS Secure system (Emergency Ejection & Rescue System)
-AI system
-Air flow control via Plasma Actuators & AI system
-Battery storage (under Jet Fuselage and as a part of its structure)
-TEG system (Thermo-Electric Generator –nose/front side-)
-Quiet than current Supersonics Jets,  thanks to its engines and its special isolating materials and its location, on the rear part of the fuselage
-More Eco-friendly than current Supersonics Jets
-3D guidance system
-Sonic boom “eraser” (low sonic boom noise)

Thanks to plasma actuators on the Jet’s fuselage and an AI system (Artificial intelligence) to control those when the Jet is flying, this could control the air flow over its fuselage in all conditions (speed, pressure, temperature, etc), in order to reduce the drag an increase or improve the flight's performance, getting a better laminar flow and reducing the micro turbulences (Reynolds number ratio –Re-) that becomes in a bigger turbulences. So, the Jet could save fuel and energy during the fly and also control the situations with turbulences, getting a more safer flight. In the night time, the SZZ Superb “ZunZún” could look like a little tenuous star surfing the skies.
Vancouver International Airport
· The business Jet could transport up to 11 passengers and 3 crew members. One of its most novel and cutting edge aspects, could be a secure system capable to keep save in any crash situation (flying, take off & landing maneuvers) these passengers and the crew. The EERS system (Emergency Ejection & Rescue System).​​​​​​​
 MicroCFD software, computational fluid dynamics solution
All the next generation of supersonic planes being developed use slightly different technologies in order to obtain better performance in flight and maximizing its security and its environmental impact (eco friendly & quiet).
The SZZ "Superb ZunZún", private JET
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The SZZ "Superb ZunZún", private JET

The next generation of private/business Jets is supersonic.

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